Prime’s Pet Policy: Bring Your Furry Friend Along

It can get lonely out on the open road, which is why Prime’s pet policy allows independent contractors to be accompanied by a furry companion in addition to other people. According to Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary, having a pet can reduce your stress by providing a source of companionship and a relaxing influence. 

At Prime, we understand that you may want to keep your pet close despite a job that keeps you away from home much of the time. Here’s a look at Prime’s pet policy and what is permitted regarding your furry friends and other passengers in your truck. Please note the changes regarding the number of child passengers allowed in your vehicle.

Independent Contractors

Under most circumstances, a maximum of three passengers are allowed in your truck at one time, including up to one pet, which can’t weigh more than 40 pounds.

Allowed combinations of three passengers include:

  • The operator, one adult passenger and one child. If the child is required to be in a car seat, the passenger seat is the only secure location they can ride.
  • The operator, one team driver and one child or one pet.
  • The operator, one child age 12 or older and one pet.

Under Prime’s pet policy in the past, up to two child passengers were allowed. Now the limit is one child passenger. The exception to this rule is during the summer when children are out of school. For a brief duration of a week or so, two adults and two children may ride in the truck together, but this is not allowed for the long term.

Learn more about Prime’s pet policy and the benefits of working for Prime by visiting our website, and see if a job as an independent contractor is right for you. For more information, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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