Prime Company Picnic

Prime-IncOne of the most anticipated company events is the Prime Company Picnic, held in various locations throughout the country.  This year, Prime Company Picnics are scheduled in Pittson, PA and Springfield, MO on September 1, 2012 and Salt Lake City, UT on  August 11, 2012.  Last year, thousands of drivers and their family members attended the picnics, with bands, softball, swimming and games for the entire family.


Lifeblood of the Organization

 The Prime Company Picnic honors those that the company understands are the lifeblood of the organization – drivers and independent contractors.  Although Prime makes it a point to let them know throughout the year how appreciated they are, the annual picnic celebrations allow the company to not only honor the drivers and independent contractors, but their families as well, who often must sacrifice much while their loved one is on the road.

Picnic Fun

 Each Prime Company Picnic offers fun events for the entire family.  At past picnics, inflatable games, water slides, and face painting were a hit among the children, while the casino-style games were popular with the adults.  Guests enjoyed delicious picnic-type food and beverages as they played volleyball, softball and badminton.  Those that did not participate in the sports activities were able to enjoy live music from bands that played during the picnic.

Truck Competitions

 In addition to the fun family events held at the Prime Company Picnic, two competitive truck-driving events are also part of the entertainment.  The Truck Driving Championship tested driver skills on a course that simulates situations drivers often encounter while on the road.  The Truck Pride and Polish Championship determine which driver has the most well cared for and best looking truck in the Prime family.  Prizes are awarded for both competitions and the public is invited to attend as well.


Prime is excited for this year’s Prime Company Picnic and they can’t wait to see you there!  Let them know how excited you are for this year’s picnic on any of their social sites!

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