Friday Breakfast Meetings | A Prime Inc. Tradition

Every company develops its own little traditions, and a favorite here at PRIME Inc. is our weekly Friday breakfast meetings. Most companies host safety meetings, but they’re not usually coupled with the light atmosphere, free food and open mic that PRIME Inc. workers enjoy. Our associates love being offered such Friday-Morning-Meetingan open and frank conversation that starts off their Friday right. Here’s a look at what we do in these meetings and why they’re important.

When are the meetings and who attends? As you might have guessed, our Friday breakfast meetings take place every Friday morning. These meetings aren’t mandatory, but most of our associates choose to attend because of the chance to be updated about the latest company news. Not only are the associates able to learn, but also are provided the opportunity to provide direct input to the management team. Our meetings are held at the both the facilities in Springfield, MO and Pittston, PA so associates who want to attend are not inconvenienced in any way.

Who speaks that the Friday breakfast meetings? A number of different personnel are asked to speak at a variety of meetings throughout the year. However, Robert Low, President and Founder of PRIME Inc., always delivers a message during the Friday meetings. Others who are frequent guest speakers include:

  • Don Lacy, Dir. of Safety
  • John Hancock, Dir. of Recruiting
  • Kieth McCoy, Dir. of Marketing
  • Pat Leonard, Dir. of Operations
  • Paul Higgins, Dir. of Maintenance
  • Steve Wutke, VP of Sales and Marketing

What is discussed at these breakfast meetings? The most common topic is safety, since we pride ourselves in maintaining solid safety records. Specific topics include sharing changes in CSA scores and reporting accidents if any occurred that week. Associates are encouraged to speak up at the Friday breakfast meetings if they have anything to contribute to the conversation.

Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to learn more about Friday breakfast meetings and other company traditions. Then, if you’re interested in joining our PRIME Inc. team, visit our website at

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