Detention Example – Reading Customer Instructions

Last week, Prime paid out over $250,000 dollars in detention pay. That number could have been even higher, but we recently had two separate drivers lose out on $500 worth of detention (their cut would have been $360 each) because they missed a simple step in the process. Please read this example so it doesn’t happen to you!

When you are assigned to a trip, you receive a message with information about the specific customer you are hauling for—very similar to the message below:


Please pay attention to the line that states “…time noted on bills for all drops.”  The two drivers missed that critical step but did everything else correct.  Unfortunately, they failed to list their in and out times on the bills for the 10+ hours of detained stops

This was a customer specific requirement stated in the Qualcomm message.  All of the steps were not completed; therefore, we weren’t able to get approval for detention pay.

Please help us get the money owed to you for your time!  We ask that you follow all instructions listed in the Qualcomm message and let us do the rest.  Thank you for all of your hard work out on the road and please drive safely.

Written by Nakita Anderson

Chris StewartNakita Anderson joined the Prime team in May 2014 working in our Sales & Marketing department. She received her Master’s in Business Administration from Mississippi State University in 2009 while playing collegiate softball.

Fun Fact about Nakita: she enjoys watching NFL football and spending time with her 2 year old daughter.

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